Modern Operating Systems Course- Learn from scratch

Course content

Missing file directory and manager on Ubuntu? Install Nautilus!

[Tutorial] Can’t seem to find your File Manager on Ubuntu? Here’s how you can restore the default Nautilus File Manager in a couple of simple steps!

Advanced Routing Techniques for Enhanced Network Efficiency and Performance

In today’s rapidly evolving world of computer networks, mastering advanced routing techniques is essential. These techniques are pivotal for optimizing network efficiency and enhancing overall performance. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deeper into advanced routing methodologies. These methodologies empower networks to handle complex tasks with agility and precision. Following up on our previous post […]

CPU Scheduling Algorithms: Optimizing Process Execution in Modern Operating Systems

Explore the intricacies of CPU scheduling algorithms in Modern Operating Systems, understanding their impact on system performance, responsiveness, and resource utilization.

Network Layer Design Issues: Understanding Routing Algorithms in Computer Networks

Discover essential design issues and routing algorithms in computer networks. From store and forward packet switching to adaptive and non-adaptive routing, our guide covers key concepts to enhance network performance and understanding.

What does an Operating System do? – Main Functions of the OS

Simple explanation of what an Operating System does in a computer.

What are the different types of operating systems?

Multiple categories of electronic devices run on different types of operating systems. Learn about the most common OSs available.

What are the different structures of an Operating System?

When people talk about OS they only think about Windows, macOS, and Linux. But there are more operating systems than what’s on your screen right now.

Processes in Operating Systems

Processes are the basic unit of work in an OS. Learn about how they are created, executed, and terminated in this post.

Memory Management in Operating Systems – Simple Explanation

Memory Management is an essential function of the Operating System. This comes under one of the two main functions of an Operating System, resource management. Main memory (RAM) is where most of the applications run. It is one of the main things people look for when buying a new phone or a new laptop. Memory […]

System Calls in Operating Systems – Simple Explanation

System calls are used to interact with the resources of the OS and the user. Learn about the steps involved in making a system call and also the examples of various system calls in process management, file management, etc.

Deadlocks in Operating Systems

Deadlocks in OS are a common problem that needs to be dealt with. Learn about how deadlocks occur in this quick read.

Page Replacement Algorithms in OS – Simple Explanation

OS uses various algorithms to replace pages. We will learn about the different algorithms that have been developed and are popularly used.

More details

Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Process Management
Section 3: File Systems
Section 4: Memory Management
Section 5: Device Management
Section 6: Deadlock
Section 7: Case Study with Windows Vista